Answer the following questions based on your interpretation of the Earth Science Reference Tables.
1. In which landscape region are the Finger Lakes located?
2. In which landscape region is Mt. Marcy located?
3. What is the age (and type) of bedrock underlying Mt. Marcy?
4. What is the age (and type) of bedrock underlying Rochester?
5. What is the approximate latitude and longitude of Elmira?
6. Long Island is part of which landscape region?
7. What is the name of the ocean trench that forms the eastern edge of the Nazca plate?
8. Which type of tectonic boundary is located at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?
9. Describe the sequence and types of processes by which an igneous rock becomes a sedimentary

10. What is the velocity of water required to transport a particle 1 cm in diameter?
11. What is the name of a particle with a diameter of 0.001 cm?
12. What is the name of a dark-colored, coarse-grained igneous rock that consists of olivine and

13. What is the name of a light-colored, fine-grained igneous rock that consists of potassium feldspar,

quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and biotite?
14. Which minerals comprise basalt?
15. What is the name of a clastic sedimentary rock that consists of particles 0.0004 cm to 0.006 cm

in diameter?
16. What is the name given to those sedimentary rocks that form as chemical precipitates in water?
17. What is the name of a metamorphic rock with a schistose texture?
18. Which foliated metamorphic rocks contain pyroxene?
19. What is the name of the metamorphic rock that forms from the metamorphism of a pure quartz

20. What is the mineral composition of rock salt?
21. Trilobites occur as important fossils in NYS rocks of which geologic era?
22. The intrusion of the Palisades sill occurred at the beginning of which geologic period?
23. How many millions of years before present did the Cambrian Period begin?
24. What is the approximate temperature of the rocks 2,000 km below the Earth's surface?
25. What is the approximate pressure experienced by the rocks 3,000 km below Earth's surface?
26. What is the density of the Earth's outer core?
27. What is the density of oceanic crust?
28. What is the density of continental crust?
29. How long would it take for a P-wave to travel 8,000 km?
30. If the seismogram recorded for a certain earthquake indicated a P-wave arrival at a time of

10:02 am (GMT) and an S-wave arrival at a time of 10:05 am (GMT), approximately

how far away from the seismograph was the earthquake's epicenter?
31. What is the dew point temperature if we observe a dry-bulb temperature of 10 degrees C

and a wet-bulb temperature of 6 degrees C at a specific location?
32. What is the relative humidity if we observe a dry-bulb temperature of 16 degrees C and a

wet-bulb temperature of 12 degrees C at a specific location?
33. Convert 60 degrees F to degrees C and 100 degrees F to degrees K.
34. Read the station model below and enter the following weather observations: