Answer the following questions based on your interpretation of the Earth Science Reference Tables.
1. Intrusive igneous rocks, also known as plutonic rocks, possess what kind of texture and

grain size?
2. Which mineral is present in granite and rhyolite that is not present in any other igneous

3. Fine-grained igneous rocks, that is, those with a grain size of less than 1 mm, are formed

in which environment?
4. Which are the four possible minerals that are present in a diorite?
5. Which term is used to describe a noncrystalline extrusive (or volcanic) igneous rock?
6. What is the difference between a basalt and a gabbro?
7. What is the name given to a coarse-grained (intrusive) igneous rock that is composed

entirely of olivine?
8. Which has the greater density - rhyolite or basalt?
9. Which has a darker color - granite or gabbro?
10. What term is used to describe igneous rocks which consist mainly of light-colored,

low-density minerals?
11. What are the four processes involved in the conversion of an unconsolidated sediment

into sedimentary rock?
12. When sedimentary rocks are subjected to heat and stress (pressure) they become

which class of rocks?
13. What type of material is produced from the melting of metamorphic rocks?
14. Igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks can be uplifted, weathered, and eroded

to form what type of material?
15. What is the diameter size range, in cm, of pebbles?
16. What is the term used to describe the smallest size particle that can be transported by

17. What is the term used to describe those sedimentary rocks that are fragmental, that is,

comprised of fragments of pre-existing rocks?
18. What sedimentary rock is comprised of sand-size clastic particles consisting of quartz

and feldspar?
19. What is the name of a nonclastic sedimentary rock that is comprised entirely of halite?
20. What type of metamorphism is responsible for the creation of hornfels?