Regents Earth Science
John Dewey High School
Mr. Klimetz
Rock Cycle in Earth's Crust
Reading the Earth Science Reference Tables XIX
Answer the following questions based on your interpretation of the Rock Cycle in Earth's Crust chart of the Reference Tables (page 6) as well as your class notes.
1. Magma is produced by which of the following processes?
a. Melting of igneous rock only.
b. Melting of metamorphic rock only.
c. The solidification of igneous rock.
d. The melting of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks.
2. The uplift of rocks is associated with which two processes?
a. deposition and cementation
b. burial and compaction
c. weathering and erosion
d. melting and solidification
3. The changes which occur in a rock mass in response to the addition of heat and
pressure are collectively referred to as
a. melting
b. uplift
c. compaction
d. metamorphism
4. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Sediments can be eroded to form sediments.
b. Magma can be deposited to form sedimentary rock.
c. Metamorphic rock can be melted to form magma.
d. Sedimentary rock can be uplifted, eroded and weathered to form sediments.
5. The parent material from which all rocks have been derived is
a. magma
b. sediment
c. igneous rock
d. sedimentary rock
6. Which pair of processes is associated with metamorphism?
a. Addition of heat and pressure
b. Weathering and erosion
c. Solidification and melting
d. Deposition and cementation
7. Which represents the correct sequence of processes in the conversion of

sediment into sedimentary rock?
a. Burial-Compaction-Cementation-Deposition
b. Deposition-Burial-Compaction-Cementation
c. Cementation-Burial-Compaction-Deposition
d. Cementation-Burial-Deposition-Compaction
8. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Magma can be created by the melting of sediments.
b. Sediments can be created by the erosion of sediments.
c. The melting of metamorphic rock produces magma.
d. The solidification of magma produces igneous rock.
9. Which pair of processes is associated with the uplift of a rock mass?
a. Melting and solidification
b. Burial and compaction
c. Weathering and erosion
d. Melting and cementation
10. I am a rock whose protolith was initially formed by solidification. It was then uplifted
above the Earth's surface where its exposure to the atmosphere caused its
disintegration and subsequent transport hundreds of kilometers away. My fragments
were deposited in a deep, water-filled basin where they were buried, compacted
and cemented. The class of rock to which I now belong is
a. Metamorphic
b. Igneous
c. Sediment
d. Sedimentary