Regents Earth Science
John Dewey High School
Course: SES22QPH

Mr. Klimetz
Fall Semester

Science Department
Period ____ 

September 9, 2015
Required Course Materials:
Scientific Calculator
Graph paper
Pencils [Regular and Colored]
Pencil compass
Textbook and Reference Tables for Earth Science
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Student Expectations
Regents Earth Science

John Dewey High School
Mr. Klimetz

Fall Semester
1. Complete your homework assignments neatly and thoroughly. Each assignment must be hand-written.
Write-out all questions and show all work.
2. Arrive to each and every lecture and laboratory class on time. You must sign the late log located near the door to the classroom if you arrive after the late bell.
3. Come prepared for class and be organized. You are required to keep a class notebook. Anything placed on the blackboard is worthy of putting in your notebook.
4. Hand in all laboratory reports, complete and on the due date. Laboratory reports may be either hand-written or prepared on a word processor.
5. If for any reason you are absent, you must obtain a copy of the class notes from a class mate and you must show me a signed letter from home verifying your absence.
6. Cutting will not be tolerated. If you cut a class on either a laboratory or a quiz day, you will not be granted a make-up.
7. Grading scheme: Final Exam = 40%, Labs = 20%, HW = 20%, Quizzes 20%.
8. All homework and laboratory assignments are obtainable from our class website:
9. This semester we will study: Systems and Units of Measurement, The Mathematics of Earth Science, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures and Order of Magnitude, Metric Prefixes, Dimensional Analysis, Mass and Density, Graph Construction Interpretation, Earth Architecture, Atmospheric Characteristics, Mechanics and Dynamics, Chemical Composition of the Earth, Thermal Structure of the Earth, Topographic Map Construction and Interpretation.
10. There is a zero tolerance policy concerning practices of cheating. Such practices include copying of homework assignments and lab reports, as well as any communication, either written or verbal, during quizzes and examinations. Any and all instances of academic impropriety will be punished to the fullest.
Contract Agreement
I understand these expectations and will do my best to adhere to them.

Student Name [Printed]

Parent Name [Signed]