John Dewey High School
Science Department
50 Avenue X
Brooklyn, NY 11223
(718)-373-6400 x251
Saturday Morning Exam Preparation
Regents Physics
Announcement and Permission Slip
Mr. Klimetz is pleased to announce that exam preparation for Regents Physics is now offered to all currently registered students as well as students who qualify to sit for the 2013 Regents Physics examination on June 13th. All exam preparation is offered on Saturday mornings between the hours of 9:00 am and 11:00 am in Room 353 on the following dates:
All participating students must obtain written permission from a parent or guardian prior to the first tutoring session. The completion and timely submission of the Tutoring Permission Slip (attached below) is required by the first day of tutoring.
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Exam Preparation Permission Slip
I hereby offer permission for my child __________________________ to attend Saturday morning preparation for the 2013 Regents Physics examination on the dates and times listed on the official announcement.
_________________________ ___________
Name [Printed]

